Terracina App v0.2.9
TerracinaApp is a web application which supports the restaurant terracina in their task of serving you. It is used to manage opening hours, reservations, menues, contact requests and much more.
If you have found an error or have a suggestion, please do not hesitate to use the contact form. To the contact form.
Please contact Terracina IT, if you are interested in running this application for your restaurants. Mail to Terracina IT
Development & Operations
This applicaiton is a custom development for Restaurant Terracina. It initially started for contact tracing, as we did not want to rely on an external provider and therefore endager the privacy of our guests. Over time this application grew into a sophisticated restaurant management suite. TerracinaApp is based on a modern framework and built with care. This app is being run in a docker container on a virtual private server from linode.
This website uses only necessary cookies by default. Optionally you might have set four cookies with your names, phone number and email address while making a reservation for future ease. We do not use cookies for advertisments. We currently do not use cookies for tracking, but this is planned. This will be implemented by using a self hosted instance of a privacy protecting tracking system called matomo. We will never share any tracking data with anyone for any reason this will only b aused for internal analysis and improvements. More about Matomo.
Data protection
This application was created out of concerns for your data. We handle your data with respect and care. We do not send your contact data via email for reservation notifications for example. We plan to improve in this matter and plan to automatically anonymize identifiable data in reservations a week after if the customer wishes. We try to make clear why we need which information and we only use it for the intended purpose.
All recent changes are outlined in the changelog. The changelog is loaded from the source code and not adapted in any way, it is not translated.
Show changelog